Blitz (102/144)

From:David McMinn
Date:24 May 2001 at 02:41:58
Subject:Re: Object structures

Sorry, meant to send this to the list the first time :(

> Is there some docs around which describe the structure of Blitz objects?
> The manual says the reference manual, but I don`t have that.

It was in the appendix for the big A4 book I have (the one with the black
cover...guess that was the reference manual?). The same information should
be in the small white ring-bound book.

Oh, and when I say information, it's typical Blitz docs. It tells you what
is inthe structure, but not what the fields are used for. You'd be as well
putting blitzlibs:bb2objtypes.res in the compiler options and then viewing
the newtypes from the menu.

What structure is it you are looking for?


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